Breaking the News and Asking for Divorce

Delivering the news that you want a divorce is rarely easy. Even if you sense that your
spouse is on the same page, the hard reality may feel like a gut-punch.

You should approach this conversation with sensitivity, care and respect. How you handle this conversation could help set the tone for the remainder of the divorce process.

To make the moment go as smoothly as possible, prepare in advance: think through when, where, and how you’re going to break the news.

This brief guide is intended to help you figure out the best way to ask for a divorce in light of your circumstances, and how to respond gracefully to your spouse’s reaction, whatever it may be.

About Miller Law Group

Getting separated can be complicated–emotionally and financially. Suddenly, you’re in a single-income household and find yourself exclusively responsible for bills and expenses that your spouse previously contributed to or covered.

You’re probably going to have to make a serious shift in your lifestyle, budget, and financial priorities.

Take a look at the following separation financials checklist. It’ll help you capably manage the financial consequences of separation and take better control of your new life.

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