How to Move on After Divorce

People in the process of divorce find themselves at the intersection of what was and what will be. That intersection exists in many areas of their lives, including money and parenting, but it may also be true about where they live and what they do with their time every day.

Two things are crucial to successfully navigating through this intersection:

Visualize a future that you want rather than focusing attention on revenge or loss

Divorce is a disorienting time for many reasons, including the experience of confusing and contradictory emotions. Those feelings include the fear, anger, and hurt we usually associate with divorce. They also include surprising feelings of relief, excitement, and hope.

Those more positive feelings are sometimes buried, but they are the beginning of creating a fabulous future. Finding a way to get in touch with those feelings and bring them to the surface is essential.

Find a creative outlet that permits personal expression

Whether that expression is dance, painting, ceramics, or poetry doesn’t matter. Creative expression helps people focus on themselves, perhaps in a new way, promoting healing and creating a new life.

Another thing that many of our clients find helpful is journaling or some other form of written expression. Writing uses a different part of our brains than speaking, and journaling allows people to get a different perspective that, in turn, helps them move on from divorce.

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Breaking the News - Guide to Asking for a Divorce